7 Steps to Writing a Dissertation

7 Steps to Writing a Dissertation


A dissertation is a long and comprehensive academic paper written by a student for a course. It’s based on the independent research that the student has conducted. In essence, a dissertation is an academic document in which a student must present his/her findings and interpret them in relation to a topic or problem that the student wishes to answer or solve in his/her dissertation.

By and large, dissertations are an important tool to show that you’re able to choose a subject-related topic and to investigate, understand and synthesise the relevant material into an original research question. Dissertations are of great importance to students because the marks they receive for their dissertations are added to their overall grade at the end of the course. Therefore, writing a quality dissertation is an essential part of education.

Students can get thesis writing help from LiveWebTutors. LiveWebTutors is a provider of academic writing services that can be found online. This time, as a top dissertation guide, LiveWebTutors has taken it upon itself to explain the seven processes involved in writing a dissertation. Here are those seven steps in their entirety:

1. Choose a possible area of study

To begin, you need to find an area in which you feel you’ve something to contribute. When you boil it down to its most basic components, a dissertation should begin by asking a question or addressing a problem. It should then attempt to answer the question or solve the problem in whole or in part. Therefore, choose a topic that allows you to solve a problem or give an answer to something. It can be something simple, but it must be something that no one else has.

2. Determine the purpose and goal of your thesis by defining the following

After you’ve determined and set the scope of your study, the next step is to focus on a single topic within that scope. At this point, you need to decide on the objectives of your thesis. In this section, you need to define the goal of your thesis, the problem or problems you want to solve with your thesis, and how you, as the author of the thesis, will solve the problem or problems.

3. Conduct research and gather relevant information

Once you’ve decided on the goal of your thesis, the next step is to conduct research and collect data. You can collect data in two different ways: First, with the primary method of data collection, where you conduct surveys and observe focus groups, for example; second, you can collect data with the secondary method, where you use data that’s already been collected and summarised by other researchers. The best way to collect data is a mixture of these approaches. You also need to find out whether your work requires more qualitative or quantitative data, and then collect data accordingly.

4. Set the framework and organise the data

At this point you’ll set the general direction of your dissertation. It would be helpful to decide, based on the topic of your dissertation, whether the work should contain more quantitative or qualitative data; you decide whether your dissertation should be more narrative or more descriptive. You decide whether or not your dissertation should contain more qualitative or more quantitative data. After you’ve decided on the structure, the division of the data is an inevitable next step. It just makes sense. Because as you build the structure of the thesis, it becomes clearer and clearer which material belongs in which part of the thesis.

5. Start writing

Planning and research can get students into a rut that makes it hard for them to start writing their dissertation or simply doesn’t get them started. It’s quite normal for students to procrastinate, but you need to stop and start writing what you’re putting off. At this stage of the writing process you’ll, among other things, present your findings and summarise your analysis.

6. Work on the first draft

Once you’ve created your first draft, you need to start editing it so that you can prepare it for submission. At this point in the process, you’ll streamline your dissertation by removing all superfluous material and text. Your dissertation should contain only the information that’s absolutely necessary and the most important things. Make an effort to write your dissertation as eloquently and concisely as possible.

7. Revise the final draft

Once you’ve revised the first draft and revised subsequent versions at least twice, it’s time to move on to the next step: proofreading the final draft. Now you just need to carefully check the final draft once or twice for mistakes and make sure everything is in place. Once you’ve completed this procedure to your satisfaction, you can submit your dissertation.

If you follow the methods described above, you’ll undoubtedly be able to write an articulate and effective dissertation. If you feel that you either lack the time or the necessary skills to write your dissertation, or if you need help writing your dissertation for any other reason, you’re welcome to use LiveWebTutors’ Dissertation Writing Services.“Using creative ideas while writing will help you to make your assignment look attractive,” says Joe, a freelancer offering best Assignment Help.
