Discover the LXP’s features and advantages.

Discover the LXP’s features and advantages.


The Learning Management System is widely used in several companies (LMS). The Learning eXperience Platform (LXP), however, has grown in popularity as a more customized and interesting alternative as learning requirements continue to change. But how precisely does an LXP compare, and what are the advantages for students? We’ll respond to both of those queries and others.

What is a platform for learning experiences?

Simply described, an LXP is a digital technology that supports and produces tailored online learning experiences inside the learning ecosystem. Strong search features make top lxp platforms stand out, making it simple for learners to discover the material they need by simply searching for it. LXPs may also make material recommendations based on a learner’s prior searches because they are algorithm-driven.But first, it’s helpful to consider an LXP in the context of a learning management system to fully grasp its worth (LMS).

LXPs are like “Netflix” for education.

The way TV compares to Netflix is how an LXP is compared to an LMS. With television, a TV station predetermines the programs they air. This implies that viewers who subscribe to a set schedule are forced to see whatever is on at the moment they tune in.Recently, on-demand television programs were introduced by streaming services like Netflix, which drastically altered the viewing experience. As a result, viewers can now resort to Netflix to watch anything they want, whenever they want, rather than relying on TV or other forms of entertainment.

Similar to how LXPs have altered the playing field for seasoned LMS users. An LXP lets learners pick their content and even offers tailored recommendations, in contrast to an LMS that forces predetermined learning stuff on them.

What an LXP is worth

The main benefit of a learning experience platform training is that it encourages learners to act independently by scouring the platform for the learning materials they require. This is distinct from LMSs, which are intended to force learners toward a predetermined curriculum. In contrast to the top-down approach of the LMS, the LXP promotes bottom-up learning by providing learners more influence over their progress.

Features of the Learning Experience Platform

Several essential components make an efficient LXP:

Learning avenues

As was briefly mentioned before, LXPs offer learning routes. These are collections of courses and other e-learning exercises connected to form a learner-guided route. The purpose is to assist students in achieving a broad learning objective. A learning path shows the path that a student should take because they may not be able to complete all of their learning objectives with a single course or activity. Learning path elements have also begun to appear in several LMSs.

Present-day UI and UX

LXPs are virtually entirely web-based since they are significantly more recent than the LMS. This provides them an advantage in terms of UX and UI, offering a cutting-edge, learner-focused digital experience that is simple to use.

Curation and production of content

Within an LXP, content creation and sharing are simple. As a result, users don’t just have to rely on an L&D staff to produce new learning materials; they can also participate. Much like LXPs, current content curation is made simple by them. The most pertinent material on any topic may be easily chosen, categorized, and presented by anybody who wishes to create content.

Encourages the creation of content by employees

The LXP is a great area for employee-generated material because it’s simple to create. Within a learning path, sharing a course or resource is simple. 

Data insights and reports

The majority of LXPs offers in-depth data reports on the learning material. This gives you information about the kind of content your employees are interacting with and how much, enabling you to decide how to gradually enhance your learning resources.


All LXPs are designed for mobile use, whether on a tablet or a phone, in addition to having a more contemporary user interface. They even have smartphone applications for some.


The majority of LXPs employ algorithms to suggest learning materials to learners. The algorithms are based on user profiles, previous searches, and material utilized by students with comparable backgrounds.

Societal education

An LXP promotes users to communicate with one another by allowing them to follow others who share their interests and engage in comments and likes, much as on social media.

Advantages of utilizing an LXP

Let’s examine the precise benefits that LXP features offer now that we have a better understanding of them. The following four advantages of utilizing an LXP:

A more interesting setting for learning

LXPs provide information in a variety of content types, allowing users to choose the ones they find most interesting. Incorporating various blended learning techniques is also made feasible by this variety of information, providing additional chances to engage students in interesting ways.

Experience that is tailored

Learners LXPs are created to better accommodate each user’s unique demands. Learners may find the material they need more quickly and more readily with the help of robust search and suggestion features.

Socioeconomic development

The ability to interact with other students along the route give online learning a new dimension. It enables students to communicate their key learnings and engage in constructive dialogue while yet maintaining individual accountability for their growth.

Find knowledge gaps

Content producers may gain a better understanding of learners’ development and spot any knowledge or skill gaps with the help of improved data reporting options. The quality of the material may then be gradually improved using these insights.

The Prospects for the LXP

The LXP industry is flourishing. The LXP market is growing every year, whereas LMS demand remains stagnant. The US market for LMS is estimated to be worth $4 billion annually, while that for LXP is in the hundreds of millions. However, it seems obvious that the LXP is here to stay; the only remaining issue is how much of the LMS market the LXP will swallow up.

Market Opportunity

They have a reach based on an LXP, and the market may be larger than the LMS market. In the next years, I predict that the LMS market will contract and shift its attention to compliance and security, with the LXP taking over as the industry for genuine employee learning. 

Hybrid approach?

Will a hybrid solution be successful? is the key question. Already, the LMS is incorporating LXP-like features and vice versa. Is it feasible to have a single system that supports top-down and bottom-up learning processes equally? We don’t think so, and we foresee the LXP playing a more significant role going forward, with the LMS concentrating on a lesser portion of top-down learning processes.
