Pass Pass – India’s Tastiest Mouth Freshener Brand By DS Group

Pass Pass – India’s Tastiest Mouth Freshener Brand By DS Group


When it comes to a tasty and affordable mouth freshener, there’s no product better than the Pass Pass mouth freshener.

By extracting the revitalizing elements from the ingredients like herbs, dates, sugar, fennels, and more, Pass Pass offers the most refreshing taste to your mouth and makes you feel good in no time.

DS Group Pass Pass is a highly popular and widely preferred mouth freshener in the country for many reasons. For instance, all the ingredients used to make this mouth freshener were added in the right percentage.

What makes Pass Pass a go-to option in today’s market is the capability to refresh not only your mouth but also your soul.

About Pass Pass – A Market-Leading DS Group Confectionery Product

Pass Pass is a popular DS Group confectionery product. For those who don’t know, DS Group is a multinational company and one of India’s most prominent and reputed FMCG conglomerates.

Pass Pass is the most satisfying mouth freshener, as it never fails to allure you with its taste, aroma, and deliciousness. From office meetings to dates to social events, you can leave a bold impression while enjoying a lively conversation with Pass Pass.

No matter when or where Pass Pass can cover your foul or stink mouth smell and boost your confidence for any conversation. With Pass Pass, you’ll never have to worry about your mouth smell.

Since its launch, Pass Pass has influenced and motivated consumers to enjoy an ocean of deliciousness and freshness within seconds of chewing.

With a perfect blend of flavors and ingredients, Pass Pass from DS Group encourages unity and has established the reputation of being the Indian consumers’ preferred choice after mint.

Pass Pass Product Range

The Pass Pass product range includes the following ethnic mouth fresheners:

  • Pass Pass Chingles – Best in their chewing gum category
  • Pass Pass Pulse – Best in their candy segment
  • Pass Pass Maze – a coffee-flavored candy

Let’s explore a bit on these product ranges.

Explore What Pass Pass Chingles Brings To Consumers

Pass Pass Chingles is chewing gum with a cool flavor that consistently makes you feel fresh.

With its Mint and Tutti-Frutti tastes, Chingles Maxi is the ideal pocket-sized companion for a never-ending freshness.

Chewing gum with a center loaded with a pleasant mint flavor is called Chingles Filz.

About Pass Pass Pulse

If you’re looking for a tangy taste in your candy, Pass Pass Pulse is for you. Over the years, this hard-boiled candy has become the favorite of everyone in India.

Consumers love to eat this candy for its tangy core essence infused with great fruit flavors. Every flavor comes with a tanginess and devours into your mouth and fills it with refreshment and fun.

What makes Pass Pass Pulse a unique product in the candy segment is the unique experience it provides to consumers.

At first, it lets you enjoy the taste of fruity flavor, followed by a surprise tangy burst. DS Group introduces five delicious variants of this candy: Orange, Guava, Litchi, Kachcha Aam, and pineapple.

Pass Pass Variants

The Pass Pass variants include the following: Pass Pass Mint, Pass Pass Frutti Bits, Pass Pass Meetha Magic, and Pass Pass Katha. Check what the key ingredients of each of these variants are:

  • Pass Pass Meetha Magic Key Ingredients: Silver leaf-coated small cardamom, rose flower, silver leaf-coated sugar balls, colored sugar balls, sugar-coated colored fennel, dates, fennel, sugar.
  • Pass Pass Mint Key Ingredients: Cardamom seeds, coriander seeds, melon seeds, grated desiccated coconut, dates, fennel, and sugar.
  • Pass Pass Katha Key Ingredients: Cardamom seeds, melon seeds, lime, catechu, fennel, sugar, sugar-boiled confectionery, and dates.
  • Pass Pass Katha Key Ingredients: Silver leaf-coated small cardamom, rose flower, silver leaf-coated sugar balls, colored sugar balls, sugar-coated colored fennel, dates, glazed fruit, fennel, sugar.

Ending Note –

If bad breath has always been your conversational barrier, you can take care of it with DS Group Pass Pass mouth freshener.

Their tasty and rejuvenating mouth freshener consists of excellent ingredients that not only eliminate the stinky breath but also make it smell more refreshing and aromatic.

Unlike any other brand’s mouth freshener, the DS Group brands’ – Pass Pass – never fails to meet quality standards and produce the best-in-class mouth freshener products.
