Chocolate Fortune cookies recipe to delight your daddy on his b’day

Chocolate Fortune cookies recipe to delight your daddy on his b’day


How are you planning to celebrate your dad’s birthday? Before you even know, soon his anniversary will pop up too. Instead of running short of plans then, it’s better you plan out well in advance. 

If you are lost and have no idea what to do to make your dad feel special, then here is a little help for you. Everyone likes to feel special but It can turn into a nerve-wracking task when it’s your turn to do the same for someone else, especially when that someone is your dad because let’s be honest, daddies can be picky. But the plus point is that despite being picky, daddies are soft heated for their kids. Even a simple thing done for them with love can make their heart melt. Does the task sound easy to you now? Well, if you really want to make it special this time, but want to minus the brainstorming session of deciding what all can be done, then I just got a special recipe for you to try and impress your dad with your efforts and a delicious treat. Yes, it’s a recipe for a chocolate fortune cookie and this recipe has never failed to bring a smile to the faces receiving it. It’s an easy recipe and makes different batches of these cookies and packs them up in a beautiful box just like they do with cake delivery to make it more tempting. Lets begin

Ingredient Checklist

  • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 4 large egg whites
  • 1 cup superfine sugar
  • 3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons Dutch cocoa
  • Pinch salt
  • 3 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure almond extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 50 paper fortunes

Let’s bake!  

  1. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. 
  2. In a bowl of a stand blender/mixer, add the egg whites and whip until solid peak forms. use a hand blender/mixer for the same so it is done evenly. 
  3. Cautiously, add the stirred whites into a little bowl and let it rest in the refrigerator.
  4. add sugar, butter and Cream in a blending bowl, and blend it until smooth and soft. Then, Add flour and mix well. Time to add the almond and vanilla concentrate, blend once more. Add the chilled egg whites and blend on low speed until everything is mixed well and the mixture is smooth. Mix in the sesame seeds. 
  5. Utilizing the 1 tbsp measure, scoop out the batter and spread into a circle of 3 inches, it should frame a thin layer. Do 3 fortune cookies for each baking sheet. 
  6. Keep 1 heating sheet in the oven, and let it rest for a minute, after that, add the other baking sheet too. While the treats are enjoying the baking time, time to set up the remaining batter with so it is all set to go in the oven when the initial 2 batches come out. 
  7. Bake the pans until the cookies or the batter is light brown, it will take around 7 to 8 minutes. As the desired colour is reached, remove the cookies out of the oven. 
  8. Working rapidly, place a fortune message (one at a time) across the centre point of the treat with a piece hanging out to pull out. Utilize a flat spatula to stick out the cookies from the container. Then, fold it down from the middle to make a crescent. Place this half circle onto the edge of an espresso mug, and rapidly crease the ends downwards, to shape it into a fortune cookie. Stick the treat in a muffin tin to allow it to cool and hold its shape. 
  9.  Dissolve the chocolate and Dip every treat into this melted chocolate, covering the whole treat. You can take help of a chopstick to dip the cookies for a cleaner approach. Place the chocolate covered cookies on the above pre-arranged cookie sheet and sprinkle it with toasted sesame seeds. Keep in the freezer for around 10-15 minutes to assist the chocolate with solidifying.

Treats are prepared, you simply need to Store in an airtight box in a cool and dry place. 

And your cookies are ready!

You just got the magic recipe that will double your celebration. Order cake online just for a backup.
