37 Basketball Training Tips, Strategies, and Secrets

37 Basketball Training Tips, Strategies, and Secrets


How much time do you spend playing basketball? Do you practice on your own, or with a team? If not, then the chances of improving are slim. Basketball players need to train effectively to get better. In this blog post, we will talk about what effective training is and how it can help you improve as a player. We will also discuss the tips and strategies that can be used by players of all levels!

Why do you need to train effectively?

There’s no great basketball player that didn’t have to put in work. Elite players are simply the best of the best because they have worked hard day-in and day out, tirelessly perfecting their skills. Training effectively allows you to get better at basketball, whether it’s by practicing new drills or improving your shooting technique so that you can keep up with teammates during scrimmages.

Effective basketball training tips and strategies.

  1. Maintain a consistent workout schedule. Although this might seem like a no-brainer, you must have a clear workout plan for yourself before going into the gym. Without an idea of what to do and how long your workouts will be, chances are pretty high that you won’t make much progress or go through any productive basketball drills.

For example: If your goal is to improve ball-handling skills this season, maybe some effective training would include dribbling around cones with both hands as quickly as possible without losing control of the ball. To increase endurance in these types of drills, try not to stop until reaching 100 touches on each hand!

Being disciplined enough to stick with your preplanned workout schedule ensures that you’ll see results from all those hours spent at practice at rebounding net basketball because now they’re well-spent, as opposed to just being wasted time.

  1. Treat your workouts like doctors’ appointments. The more you make basketball training a priority, the better your results will be. If you’re on a team, coordinate with your teammates to plan workouts together so that there are no last-minute changes or cancellations. Take this seriously!
  2. Shooting is the most important skill in basketball. If you don’t get better at shooting, you’ll never be a great player. So, make sure to focus on individual shooting drills basketball as much as possible—every day!
  3. Professional shooters make a lot of shots every week. Not only is it important how many shots you take during practice, but also how many shots you make per day! Make that number into an actual goal (for example, if the team makes an average of 200 shots per day at practice, then shoot 400).

The best basketball players in the world are consistent about shooting every single day and they’re always mindful about their form because even one bad shot can cause major problems for your game down the road. Plus, if you don’t have strong fundamentals or proper technique, then there isn’t any point in wasting time practicing other things like dribbling or passing, because those skills won’t be nearly as good when you get to the game.

  1. Always keep a thorough shooting log. You need to keep track of your progress so you can see what’s working and what isn’t. Write down how many shots you made out of a certain number and calculate the percentage, then track your progress over time to identify patterns or changes that could help your game improve.
  2. Perfect your shooting technique. Always start with perfect form shooting before moving on to other drills, because practice doesn’t make perfect, but it does make it permanent (in this case, bad). Elite shooters, such as Stephen Curry, make thousands of shots per week without missing, despite taking far less time per shot than most people, who struggle for every basket they get in games! It all comes back down to making sure everything is right during training in a basketball training facility, including fundamentals, technique, and quality reps, not just quantity. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule when you have a low number of reps and they’re extremely high quality, but that’s not going to work for most people.
  3. Begin each workout with form shooting. Form shooting is one of the best ways to develop muscle memory and get your body into the groove for great shooting. You can shoot off of screens or just standstill at the three-point line while you’re shooting, so it’s pretty low impact. The goal is always to make 100 shots in a row without missing-if not, keep doing so until you reach that number, because this type of training will pay major dividends when game time comes around!
  4. Workout quality is more important than work-out quantity. This is pretty straight-forward-do NOT go into the gym and shoot 100 shots at a time. If you’re not shooting well that day, then don’t force it or your body will suffer for it when game-time comes around!
  5. But the quantity of workouts is still important. However, this does not mean that you should shoot 100 shots at a time if you’re not making them or your body will suffer. Shoot in small batches of high quality, 30-50 each day, and slowly build up to longer sessions as the season goes on.
  6. Practice your skills under game-like conditions. As much as possible, try to simulate game conditions-shooting with a defender on you, catching the ball in triple threat position every time to prevent being off balance. This can be done in an indoor basketball facility.
  7. Assess your strengths and weaknesses. Where do you excel? Where are your weaknesses and what needs to be improved upon the most? Talk to your coach about this and make sure you develop a plan together.
  8. Talk to your coach about what you need to improve. As we touched on before, it’s important that players not only work on their strengths but also focus some time on improving any of their weaker skills as well! This ties directly into # 11-where does one stand versus other kids in his or her position across the state/country? Is there anything that can be done in particular areas (i.e. strength training) over others (shooting)? Find out from an objective source (your coaching staff is best!) and then come up with a plan accordingly.
  9. Train at game speed at all times. To help your body learn to move in game-like situations, you must train at game speed.
  10. Establish a regular free-throw routine. Developing a solid free throw shooting routine can make all the difference for players looking to excel at the charity stripe! Players should have their feet set before they receive or pass it, and then shoot without hesitation or second-guessing themselves. Always be sure that your follow-through is perfect as well!
  11. Spend more time working on your free-throw shooting. If you want to improve this weak area of yours, spend even more time in a basketball shooting facility specifically for them during practice times (and do so with an experienced coach if possible!). You’ll find that after some regular practice sessions devoted just to your free throws, you will be able to make more shots in game-time situations.
  12. When (and how) should you practice free throws? It’s never a good idea to spend too much time practicing free throws during the season. Yes, you should still make yourself do it from time to time, but there is no need for long practice sessions throughout your regular basketball games and practices, as this can hurt your overall performance instead of helping it.
  13. Practice your shot fake. A great way to keep defenders guessing is by making them think that you’re shooting the ball when really, it’s just a quick shot fake! If done correctly and with some good timing, this can also lead to an easy basket for yourself!
  14. Practice both ‘The Hop’ and ‘1-2 Step’. A good way to finish strong at the rim is by using one of these two moves. However, you must know which one works best in different situations.
  15. If you have access to a shooting machine, use it. For many players who are often short on practice time or live somewhere, where there isn’t always abundant open space available outdoors, using machines like these, can help get their workouts in without having to completely give up other sports they love playing during the off-season (as well as giving them more time to focus on their game).
  16. Create a variety of rim finishes. Some players become known for just one or two different types of shots they usually take, which is fine if that’s what works best for them, but it can also be helpful to develop more options in your arsenal so you’re able to keep defenders guessing and find an easier way into the paint when you need it most (i.e., during pressure-packed moments like playoffs where teams are very likely going all out trying not to let any easy baskets slip by!).
  17. Don’t forget about defense. If there was ever doubt whether the defense could win games, Kobe Bryant’s helping lead his team through three consecutive championships while primarily playing “D” should be all the evidence you need. It’s also not like Kobe was some kind of defensive specialist, either; he just made it a point to always give 100% on that end of the court and it showed by him helping his team win games in every way possible.
  18. Develop into a beast in the low post. There are certainly different schools of thought when it comes to this area (e.g., do you go for quickness or strength?) But if there is one thing almost every coach would agree with, it’s how important being able to score outside of your comfort zone can be-especially during pressure-packed moments where teams are playing tight defense throughout trying not to let any easy baskets slip by!
  19. Get in the weight room and improve your strength. It has been said (and proven) countless times that this area of the game is one you can always work on and get better at.
  20. Increase your level of fitness. This involves hitting the gym and working on things like your speed, agility, and endurance.
  21. Upgrade your diet. A big part of being an effective basketball player is making sure you fuel your body correctly for the long hours-both in-season and out! You need to make sure that what goes into it (i.e., food) doesn’t break down during training or play but instead makes you more efficient at executing plays while having enough energy left over for recovery after games/practices end; otherwise, some players find themselves feeling drained early in practices and scrimmages, which greatly inhibits their ability to perform well consistently throughout a season.
  22. Recognize the significance of rest and recovery. In terms of maximizing performance, this area often gets overlooked by players and coaches. Unlike other sports, basketball often requires playing multiple games in a week, which can lead to fatigue if you don’t have enough time for rest after each game or practice.
  23. Become ambidextrous. One of the easiest ways to improve your ability on the court is by practicing being equally adept at using both hands when dribbling and passing while also working on shooting with either hand from anywhere around the floor, not just from right outside of your comfort zone (e.g., “the paint”). This isn’t easy, but it’s very possible if you put in some extra work during sessions that aren’t already planned out for one specific skillset only.
  24. Improve your rock-handling skills. This involves making sure you can dribble with both hands and that you’re able to change speeds while doing so.
  25. Increase your vertical leap. In addition to improving explosiveness, this will also help with ball-handling as well as finishing at the basket during contact-heavy games (league or tournament play) when you have a higher frequency of defenders hanging on your waist or arms after a shot attempt is made.
  26.  Make sure you have a ‘driveway workout’. There’s nothing wrong with going to the gym, but sometimes it might be better for some people-especially those just starting out-if they had more control over what they worked on in their own time without having access to other players who could see if they did something incorrectly and correct it for them.
  27. Play more one-on-one. This could be in games, but there’s nothing wrong with practicing against yourself, either by dribbling around, using specific moves, and then trying to replicate the game scenario again without your opponent, or better yet, playing ‘horse’ (like shooting free throws) where you continuously shoot until you miss two shots in a row, which gives an advantage to whoever missed the second shot because they get another shot while their competitor has to wait before getting their turn again.
  28.  When visiting the gym, always bring at least one teammate. This is so that not only are you doing what is beneficial, but you are also sharing it with someone else who can benefit from watching how other players work out too.
  29.  Study games by watching them. Or better yet, try to figure out what the players are doing in their own time that makes them so successful without being able to watch it for yourself in person.

Follow the best basketball minds on Twitter. These are the people who know not only what they’re doing but why and how to do it.

  1. Spend time studying, too. There are different kinds of studies, but one that is very important for players to understand is the mental aspects of basketball.
  2. There are very few players willing to put in the work. This is not only true for your team but also other teams around you as well even if they have a different record or ranking than yours does!
  3. Consistency is the key to long-term improvement. So, make sure you don’t slack off when things get tough, and always remember why it’s so important for you to keep working hard every day!


If you want to become a better player in the game, you must know what skills and strategies work best. There are many different types of training for basketball players depending on their level in the sport. We have compiled this list of tips and tricks from some experts so that there is something here for everyone! Whether you’re just starting or an experienced veteran, these techniques will help improve your performance no matter where you find yourself on the skill spectrum.
